Dilemmas are so Alluring,
Once it gets to you,
It never let you leave,
Your life just stops,
You stop existing,
You are there,
With your dilemma,
Loses it’s meaning,
Loses it’s meaning,
Nothing Registers,
Nothing Reaches.
Dilemmas are so Alluring,
Every micro-thoughts,
Ever micro-sensations,
is a Dilemma,
Awareness amplifies Dilemma,
More you can sense,
More you can feel,
More difficult is to,
Move forward,
To progress.
Oh, Beauty,
You are,
I hope,
for singularity,
for both of us.
My Existence,
My Humanity,
My just Being,
is your imprint,
When did I,
Stopped being aware,
has been forgotten,
When did I,
sensed life,
is Remembered.
murders dilemma,
murders purity,
Some of this,
Some of that,
how adult.
You are the dilemma,
How safe I feel,
With you,
How unaware,
I have been,
I am open,
I feel free,
I am air,
like there is no earth,
Your death wish.
I enjoy these, Then I am tired,
Humanity at it’s Prime,
Whatever is still left.
Paradoxes are Erotic,
It’s so good to be wrong,
You believed, so deeply,
Oceans were ashamed,
They didn’t have enough,
You believed, so deeply,
& you were wrong.
This poem is a part of an incomplete anthology, I tried to write.